Rev. Molly Carlson, Interim Conference Minister

Rev. Carlson has proven that she is able to identify systemic issues and work with congregations and individuals to explore and seek balance around deeper issues and has a very strong dedication to seeing work through to fruition. Rev. Carlson prides herself on possessing great skill for networking and building relationships. She listens to people and holds an internal “database” of gifts and skills to connect people both with one another and with ministry needs. She is a strong administrator, good at setting direction, and excellent at providing clear expectations.


Stacey Silvey, Business Manager

Stace has been with us since November 2011.  She brings an incredible organization to the office as well as many other essential duties such as bookkeeping, National UCC Data Hub maintenance and a plethora of other administrative duties of the South Central Conference office.  Stacey shares her life with her Husband of 32 years, Jarrett and together they have one adult Son, Dillen.  If you have a question, Stacey can be reached Tuesday – Friday at 830-313-5855.


Rev. Brooke Dooley, Youth Director

The South Central Conference of the United Church of Christ is pleased to announce the calling of the Rev. Brooke E. Dooley to the newly created role of Conference Youth Director. Rev. Dooley will serve in this position as part of a Conference Residency, wherein they will serve 1/4 time on Conference staff and 3/4 time as the Associate Pastor to Youth & Young Adult Ministry at Friends Congregational United Church of Christ in College Station, Texas. Rev. Dooley brings a passion for the church and significant experience in youth ministry to this new position.


Prior to her call as Associate Pastor to Youth & Young Adults at Friends in December of 2022, Brooke served as Pastoral Intern at Friends while completing her Master of Divinity from Brite Divinity School.


Prior to pursuing ministry, Brooke received a BA in International Studies and French from the University of North Texas. In the wider Bryan/College Station community, Brooke co-facilitates a local LGBTQ+ youth support group offered by the Pride Community Center and serves on the Board of Directors for United Campus Ministry. In their free time, Brooke enjoys horror films, naps, and anything to do with the Titanic.