The South Central Conference membership is comprised of over 9,000 individuals who participate in the life and shared ministry of 60 congregations in four associations across Louisiana and Texas. As an entity, we exist alongside, in covenant with, the local church and the national setting of the United Church of Christ. The Annual Meeting sets Conference policy and direction, and consists of voting delegates from our congregations. In-between meetings, operational decisions are made by the Board of Directors in consultation with Conference staff. The Board of Directors are elected to three-year terms at the Annual Meeting, and meet quarterly throughout the calendar year.

Read the Constitution of the South Central Conference:  Constitution    
Read the Bylaws of the South Central Conference:  Bylaws
See our 2024 Spending Plan Here:  2024 Spending Plan

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors consists of the following voting members: four officers, two representatives from each Association,  a youth/young adult representative, and a representative of the Regional Council of the Christian Church of the Southwest (Disciples of Christ).  Additionally, the Moderator of each Association (or their representative), and the Conference Minister serve on the Board of Directors with voice, but not vote. 

Various Meeting Minutes before 2022 will soon be available on our Archive page.