Donation Checks for the Conference and National ministries

It has come to the attention of the SCC Office and the SCC Treasurer that donations meant for Conference and National Missions such as OCWM, Neighbors in Need, Strength the Church, One Great Hour of Sharing etc. are being sent to the National office in Cleveland.

Churches should be sending ALL donations for the following missions to the Conference Post Office Box:

Conference MinistriesNational Ministries
Back Bay MissionChurch World Services
Eden Hill CommunitiesCUE Seminaries
Friends of the ConferenceEden Seminary
New Church DevelopmentNIN – Neighbors in Need
The Master’s Workshop CampOGHS – One Great Hour of Sharing
 STC – Strengthen the Church
 VOC – Christmas Fund


If your donations are being sent directly to National, they will not show on our quarterly giving reports. We have been informed that some churches have concerns about their donations not showing on our reports, this may be the reason.

Clergy Compensation Guidelines
Housing Allowance Ruling
Insurance Board Legal Helpline for Local Churches
OCWM Remittance Form
Preparing for Disaster Link Resources

Active Shooter Preparedness: Links to Resources

Our church is our sanctuary, but it is not immune to the realities of our world. In the disaster world language, it’s called ‘active shooter.’ In most churches, the only ones who can observe who is coming into worship are the pastor in the pulpit, maybe the choir from the loft, and possibly the greeters or deacons at the door.  Most of the congregation is facing the other direction. But there are resources to consult:

Reimbursement Form